Add Your Own Example

I absolutely love when folks make their own projects based on concepts they learned from Happy Coding, or when folks remix my code to create their own take.

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Hi there, I’m creating some support for a sensing system and I used this Flock sketch to handle it!

I will upload the results and the code in a week to docs smartcitizen me.

Thank you for your work and happy to contribute = )

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That looks so cool, I’m excited to see what you come up with!

lesson 2, hardCoding

might have gone a little overboard but was fun :smiley:

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omg that is AMAZING.

How long did it take you to get all those coordinates worked out so perfectly??

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Not sure how long it took, the problem was I did it in the evening and woke up to see that it was missing ‘something’ XD
it was originally just the centre bush fence pebbles and grass… so thought I could do better :smiley:

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