I created a wordle clone in react
Do check it out guys .
This looks and works great!
What was the hardest part about putting this together? What are some things you learned in the process?
There was a “shallow copy” bug where I was accidently changing a state variable too ( without using setState), whenever i changed the other variable. This troubled me a lot.
There was a bug where I was creating a new instance of the custom hook every time my component re-rendered because of state change. This was causing the “keyup” eventListener to be attached to a different function ( obtained from this custom hook) every time. Also, I didn’t clear the previously attached eventListeners. This was giving undesired results.
I had some troubles with what state to choose, how to update it and where to place our state so that it can be used by multiple components.
The input grid ( 6 row grid ) was the hardest to implement.
I learnt things like: