Jetty deployed war file but unable to access web app

Good day,

Using your guide Jetty Setup - Happy Coding I was able to start Jetty and using this guide Hosting on AWS - Happy Coding to paste the war file in the c:/jettybase/webapps directory, a temp folder was created which I changed by creating a work directory like c:/jettybase/work for all deployed war files using this guide Jetty : The Definitive Reference

However, anytime I want to access the deployed web app using its context path. I see only META-INF and WEB-INF.

For details:
Jetty: v11.0.2
Name of war file: simple-6.war

Attached documents

Trying to access the file, this is what I see


The first thing Iā€™d try to do is isolate the problem: is this caused by the web app, or from the work directory?

Can you get the web app working without using the work directory?

Can you get other web apps working with the work directory?

I saw your questions on Stackoverflow and the response you got, it was a compatibility issues and I have fixed it, I get it and the webapps are working fine now.

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Awesome, glad you got it figured out!