When Failing isn't Failure

August 19, 2018

Ludum Dare is a game jam where participants have 48 hours to make a game around a theme that’s announced at the beginning of the event. In my previous blog post, I mentioned that I planned to use Ludum Dare 42 as an opportunity to prototype the Android game that I want to make this year.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at http://happycoding.io/blog/when-failing-isnt-failure

HI !
I want to reply to this old post because I read it now :slight_smile: and
because it is an important topic in the daily life of a programmer.

I agree with the opinion expressed in the post because I deeply believe in two fundamental behaviors of the creative process:

  1. the PLEASURE of small steps
  2. the PLEASURE OF HAVING THE HOPE of good results
    In one sentence: the pleasure of wanting to do it !